PASSER-II Watch...

This page identifies specific issues we are aware of regarding the PASSER-II software published by the Texas Transportation Institute. Please be aware that this information is the best available at the time it is published, and may not be accurate for recently released versions. You might also check our User Discussion Forum for questions and discussions which may also be helpful.

This page is relevant to TEAPAC software users because the PREPASSR function of TEAPAC creates data files for the PASSER-II program from an easy-to-use interface which allows data entry in easy-to-understand traffic terms on graphical screens.  This data can also be used for other TEAPAC functions, such as PRENETSIM which prepares input files for CORSIM, PRETRANSYT which prepares input files for TRANSYT, PRETSPPD which prepares input files for TS/PP-DRAFT, PRESYNCHRO which prepares input files for SYNCHRO/SIMTRAFFIC, and SIGNAL which optimizes signal timings and phasings for HCM capacity analyses.

5/8/03 - Simulation Errors in PASSER II-02

PASSER II-02 Ver 1.0 has a bug which prevents the 'simulation' of input conditions provided to the program. This bug can be fixed with a replacement .dll file provided by the developer. When running with either the original or replacement .dll file, the program displays the same PASSER II-02 Ver 1.0 identification from the Help-About menu, so the only way to tell if you have an updated version is by the date of the .dll file. The file name is P2_02.dll and the date of the original release file is 5/13/02. If you have this file with this date it needs to be updated in order to enable the proper 'simulation' function of the program. An updated .dll file will have a date sometime after 5/13/02 which depends on the manner in which it was delivered and installed on your system.

3/3/00 - Long Phase Times Don't Display in Phase Interval Settings Output

PASSER II-90 Ver 2.0 does not display phase times greater than 99.9 seconds in the Phase Interval Settings output. When the actual phase time is greater than 99.9 seconds the output field displays as ****. The time displays correctly in the Best Solution output. For TEAPAC users, the significance is that the Import function of PREPASSR reads the Phase Interval Settings output report when importing phase timings, so the Import function will not work correctly when optimized phase times exceed 99.9 seconds. This problem is normally solved by letting SIGNAL97 optimize the phase times based on the 1997 Highway Capacity Manual, thus eliminating the need to import phase times from PASSER. SIGNAL97 can establish the worst allowed level of service for all of the critical movements and assign any time available after this is accomplished to designated priority movements. Then when PREPASSR reads the SIGNAL97 files with these timings it merely instructs PASSER to optimize offsets-only so the SIGNAL97 phase times remain unchanged.

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this page last updated April 15, 2019