Petra Watch...

This page identifies specific issues we are aware of regarding the PETRA software published by Jamar Technologies. Please be aware that this information is the best available at the time it is published, and may not be accurate for recently released versions. You might also check our User Discussion Forum for questions and discussions which may also be helpful.

This page is relevant to TEAPAC software users because the WARRANTS function of TEAPAC which performs MUTCD traffic signal warrant analyses has the ability to read PETRA data files as input so traffic count data from Jamar counters can be further analyzed without the need to re-enter any of the count data. The TURNS function provides the same PETRA import function so its advanced traffic count analyses can be performed without the need to manually input any count data. WARRANTS and TURNS can also deliver the peak period data (peak hour or peak 15 minutes) to other TEAPAC functions for further analysis, such as SIGNAL which optimizes signal timings and phasings for HCM capacity analyses, PRETRANSYT which creates data files for the TRANSYT program from an easy-to-use interface which allows data entry in easy-to-understand traffic terms on graphical screens, PRENETSIM which prepares input files for CORSIM, and PREPASSR which prepares input files for PASSER-II, among other TEAPAC functions.

5/25/05 - Time Style in DFL Files for WARRANTS and TURNS Import

'Time Style' is a feature in PETRA which needs to be set properly in order for counts to be exported properly to DFL files for WARRANTS and TURNS. This feature can be found under the General tab of the File-Preferences menu. It should be set to '24 hour clock' in order for the time representation to be compatible with WARRANTS and TURNS.

2/24/00 - Exporting DFL Formats for WARRANTS and TURNS Import

We've discovered that early versions of PETRA for Windows do not create DFL files properly. Apparently this problem has been corrected in the latest version of PETRA for Windows (Ver 3.2.1). Properly formatted .DFL files for turning movement counts can be Imported directly into WARRANTS and TURNS. Note that in older versions the DFL file was created using the File-SaveAs dialog and selecting the IMC (.dfl) format. The current version uses the File-Export dialog. If you have a windows version of PETRA you can download the current version from the Jamar web page located at by selecting Software Updates and entering your 16-digit serial number. You can also request a new CD-ROM with the current version on it.

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this page last updated April 15, 2019