Pre- and Post-processor for NOSTOP Arterial Optimization

PRENOSTOP is the pre- and post-processor function in TEAPAC Complete to be used in conjunction with the NOSTOP progression analysis in TEAPAC.  NOSTOP is easy to use as a stand-alone analysis, but does not directly share the data of other TEAPAC applications due to its simple input requirements.  On the other hand, PRENOSTOP uses the same data as all other TEAPAC applications, so can be used to convert this data format directly to NOSTOP, providing the ability to use NOSTOP directly from the data used by all other TEAPAC applications.

This interactive analysis tool will automatically generate the arterial structure for the signalized arterial being analyzed through the use of the standard TEAPAC network description.  Further, the simple phasing and timing information required by NOSTOP for each signal is derived from the detailed signal information described in TEAPAC.  After an analysis by NOSTOP is completed, PRENOSTOP has the capability of importing the results and plotting a time-space diagram for any portion of the system showing all signal phases.  The optimum timings which have been generated can also be displayed for each intersection, including a phasing diagram which makes understanding the results quite easy.  These diagrams also include each clearance interval of each phase.  Because of the speed of the computer and the ease of input, an entire day's variation in traffic conditions can be analyzed quickly and accurately.  This, in combination with the capacity analysis output TEAPAC, provides all the information needed to implement the optimum timings in an arterial system.

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this page last updated February 04, 2019