Signalized Intersection Analysis and Design

SIGNAL is the signal analysis function in TEAPAC Complete for performing true-HCM capacity analysis, signal timing and phasing optimization and design of intersection geometry and control for as many as 500 intersections at a time. This comprehensive function considers such broad inputs as lane group geometry, lane usage, pedestrian and clearance constraints and multi-phase signal control.  The methodology uses the capacity analysis procedures documented in the 2016 and 2000 Highway Capacity Manuals from TRB, with a user-specified calibration option.  The user can analyze existing conditions and timings as well as generate optimum signal timings and phasings.  The optimizer in the program seeks to establish the best attainable level of service, delay or v/c for critical movements within a specified range of cycle lengths using the 2016 or 2000 Highway Capacity Manual methods.

This interactive analysis tool is particularly useful in developing individual intersection control strategies, controller requirements and required timings since an entire day's variation in volumes can be analyzed quickly and accurately.  Two-phase, three-phase, multi-phase, and split-phase control strategies are considered, with the best phasing being identified for each set of input data and operational constraints, such as minimum greens and clearance requirements.  The user can easily scan the output and quickly determine which phasing will handle an adverse situation most efficiently.

Further, this analysis quickly identifies capacity problems and points directly to the cause of the problem.  At this point, solutions can be generated to solve the problem in terms of more sophisticated control strategies, revised lane usage, improved roadway geometrics, or any combination of the above.  These solutions can be tested quickly under re-optimized conditions.  The results of this analysis provide the user with valuable timing data related to local control for field implementation.

As part of the integrated TEAPAC Complete, SIGNAL does not stand by itself.  It can share input and output with other TEAPAC functions, such as TURNS for peak hour count analyses, WARRANTS for signalized intersection warrant analysis, SITE to analyze projected volumes for impact analyses, PREPASSR & PRETRANSYT for signal timing with PASSER-II and TRANSYT-7F, and PRENETSIM for simulation/animation with NETSIM/CORSIM, among others.  As such, SIGNAL is the cornerstone application of TEAPAC.

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this page last updated February 04, 2019