Site Traffic Generation, Distribution and Assignment

SITE is a technique in TEAPAC Complete for performing site traffic generation, distribution and assignment needed for typical traffic impact studies.  The traffic assignment paths are user-specified, not computer generated, thus allowing professional judgment to determine how traffic will approach and depart a development at the microscopic turning movement level.  Assignment paths can be entered manually as a list of intersections, or TEAPAC can search for and display shortest-route travel paths to which percentages can be assigned by the user.  An option allows the selected paths to be automatically reversed for outbound flows, if desired.  After these paths are selected, they can be reviewed and edited at will by the user.  Assignment paths are displayed graphically on the screen, overlaid on a schematic representation of the traffic network.  Using this automated assignment option makes the tedious and error prone assignment process quick, easy and accurate, while maintaining complete user control over the ultimate assignment.

The development size and traffic generation rates, distribution percentages, and assignment patterns are entered and maintained independently of each other, allowing quick testing of changes for any of these parameters.  The projected volumes can be used directly by other TEAPAC applications such as signal analysis to determine optimum phasings and timings for the projected traffic using the 2016 or 2000 HCM operations method, or to prepare PASSER-II and TRANSY-T7F input files using the data and results of both the impact and signal analyses. Traffic counts can be used as background traffic directly from the TURNS application without manual re-entry.  Intersection geometrics and network relationships are shared among each of the applications, minimizing the amount of data entry for each and the chance for error.

SITE provides the capability of quickly and accurately assigning traffic volumes in a repeatable manner.  The results of several runs can be combined to analyze larger multi-use developments or alternative land-use plans using a built-in cumulation process.  Re-running the program for changing scenario conditions or sensitivity analysis is simple and quick due to the independence of the input variables and the interactive nature of the program.

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this page last updated February 04, 2019