TED has been superseded by and incorporated into the new TEAPAC Complete product which is described in detail at the main page of www.StrongConcepts.com.  Upgrades from TED to TEAPAC Complete are available.  Contact Strong Concepts for details.

:TED Ver 7.81 27MAY08

Build 11 - 27MAY08

>Updated release for compatibility with general release of TEAPAC Ver 7.81.

This release of TED is primarily a version change for compatibility with the general release of TEAPAC Ver 7.81, with some minor generic changes, as noted below.

>Generic changes made to all Ver 7.81 TEAPAC programs.

File-SaveAs shows file type of current file & better file type descriptions.

:TED Ver 7.80 25APR07

Build 00 - 08JUN07

>Long File Names and Longer Path Names Implemented, Plus New File Format.

All aspects of TEAPAC data file storage, including SCENARIO condition files, have been extended so that file names can have as many as 70 characters in their names, and file path names can have as many as 180 characters, both including upper or lower case characters and spaces. Since SCENARIO condition files and certain file switch options can add as many as 6 characters to file names, it is best if user-entered names are no more than 64 characters.

A new, higher capacity data file format with a new file extension (.tpc) has been introduced which will be used by default for all new files created by all TEAPAC programs. This format is text-based like the old .for format so it is still easy to see what is in a file, as well as write such files from other programs, but with a look to the future this format has line length maximums of 256 characters per line (254 useable) instead of the more limiting maximums of the .for format which had maximums of 128 characters per line (80 useable). The old format can still be read and written simply by continuing to use the .for extension, but users are encouraged to convert files to the new format simply by saving .for file with the new .tpc extension (then archive the .for files so they are not used by mistake). The long file names and paths mentioned above are valid for either extension.

>New User Discussion Forum Is Accessible Directly from the Help Menu.

The new User Discussion Forum which has been implemented for TEAPAC users and is available 24/7 for posting questions and searching through answers to previous questions can now be accessed directly from the Help menu of the program. The Forum can also be accessed directly using any internet browser at www.StrongConcepts.com/Forum.

:TED Ver 7.01 08SEP06

Build 07 - 25JAN07

Scroll down to 'Ver 7.00 07NOV05, Build 07 - 11NOV05' below for the major changes which were implemented for the original Visual TEAPAC release of this program.

>Generic Enhancements Made to All Visual TEAPAC Programs.

A number of generic enhancements and fixes have been made to the original Ver 7.00 releases of Visual TEAPAC and are collectively included as Ver 7.01 Build 07. These are documented below. Ver 7.01 Build 07 changes are free updates for Ver 7.00 licenses.

Data entry dialogs that don't apply to dummy nodes have been modified so that if they are inadvertently displayed while pointing to a dummy node they will not display unpredictable values or cause the program to crash.

The LinkTo menu has been adjusted so that if no data file path has been defined it will attempt to use the program's file path, but will not crash if neither of these is defined. The file menu options for Open, SaveAs and IntoEdit have been adjusted similarly for the condition when no data path has been defined.

A bug has been fixed that could cause a crash when clicking within an output being displayed at a zoomed-out scale on some low-resolution monitors.

:TED Ver 7.00 07NOV05

Build 28 - 28AUG06

Scroll down to 'Ver 7.00 07NOV05, Build 07 - 11NOV05' below for the major changes which were implemented for the original Visual TEAPAC release of this program.

>V7.00.28: Generic Enhancements Made to All Visual TEAPAC Programs.

A number of generic enhancements and fixes have been made to the original Ver 7.00 releases of Visual TEAPAC and are collectively included as Ver 7.00 Build 28. These are documented below and use heading lines that begin with V7.00.28:. In addition, minor program-specific changes have been made, as summarized here and detailed in the program's own specific list of updates and changes. Ver 7.00 Build 28 changes are free updates for Ver 7.00 licenses.

>V7.00.28: Multiple Copies of a Program Can Be Open Simultaneously Again.

The source of a problem which has recently prevented multiple copies of any given program from being open at the same time, such as when comparing alternatives side-by-side. This problem has been resolved and the ability to have multiple copies open simultaneously has been re-enabled.

Build 21 - 27JUL06

Scroll down to 'Ver 7.00 07NOV05, Build 07 - 11NOV05' below for the major changes which were implemented for the original Visual TEAPAC release of this program.

>V7.00.21: Generic Enhancements Made to All Visual TEAPAC Programs.

A number of generic enhancements and fixes have been made to the original Ver 7.00 releases of Visual TEAPAC and are collectively included as Ver 7.00 Build 21. These are documented below and use heading lines that begin with V7.00.21:. In addition, minor program-specific changes have been made, as summarized here and detailed in the program's own specific list of updates and changes. Ver 7.00 Build 21 changes are free updates for Ver 7.00 licenses.

>V7.00.21: Frequency of Automatic Update Check Can Be Set By User.

A new user entry can now be made which controls the number of days between automatic checks for program updates. The entry can be found in the Help-Check_For_Newer_Updates menu dialog. With this new feature, the maximum frequency of automatic checks is once per day, not every time the program is run. Automatic checks can be disabled by entering a frequency of 0 days, but this is not recommended (checking for updates every 10-30 days is recommended).

>V7.00.21: Make Help File Useable When a Data File is Double-clicked.

Build 14 - 20APR06

Scroll down to 'Ver 7.00 07NOV05, Build 07 - 11NOV05' below for the major changes which were implemented for the original Visual TEAPAC release of this program.

>V7.00.14: Generic Enhancements Made to All Visual TEAPAC Programs.

A number of generic enhancements and fixes have been made to the original Ver 7.00 release of Visual TEAPAC and are collectively included as Ver 7.00 Build 14. These are documented below and use heading lines that begin with V7.00.14:. Ver 7.00 Build 14 changes are free updates for Ver 7.00 licenses.

>V7.00.14: Help File Formatting Restored to Previous Style.

The numbering of the indented paragraphs in the Notes section of Appendix B of the Help file has been restored, as appeared previously.

>V7.00.14: Minor Cleanups and Fixes Implemented.

A number of (mostly internal) cleanups and fixes have been implemented for more reliable operation of Visual TEAPAC programs. Most of these will not be noticeable to users.

Build 07 - 11NOV05

>Visual TEAPAC - A Whole New Way of Seeing TEAPAC.

All 13 modules of the TEAPAC suite of programs have been upgraded to the Visual TEAPAC (Version 7) interface. Primarily, this means each program sports a much more visual input and output system to make entering and viewing data for the analysis network much easier and to make the resulting output reports clearer and easier to read. The general aspects of the two major enhancement areas, visual input and visual output, are described below, followed by the many other supporting enhancements that go along with the Visual TEAPAC upgrade.

When combined with the unparalleled 1-file, 1-click, 500-intersection, completely seamless data sharing introduced with each of the 13 TEAPAC2004 (Version 6) programs, Visual TEAPAC provides an unmatched experience of fully-integrated visual traffic engineering and traffic planning software. Read on for the details.

>Visual TEAPAC - Graphical Input and Display of Analysis Network.

All TEAPAC programs (except NOSTOP and TUTOR) now provide a drag-and-drop user interface as a way to create and/or display the study network in the main window of the program. The network can be drawn schematically or to precise scale with the aid of an underlying grid, or a bitmap can be displayed under the network to make drawing easy and/or display of the network more meaningful. The bitmap file can be an aerial photograph, a street map, as-built drawings, or any other such display which would be helpful, and this bitmap is exported to third-party program such as CORSIM and TRANSYT as permitted.

Streets can be drawn by clicking on the grid or scaled bitmap and dragging across the extent of the street section, creating analysis intersections where the new street segment crosses existing street segments. The Setup button can be used to identify the bitmap, scale the bitmap and establish an axis origin, either before the network is drawn or afterwards for pre-existing data files. Special display adjustment modes allow quick re-orientation to new bitmaps, such as when using higher-resolution bitmaps for a zoomed-in study area versus a regional area bitmap.

Dummy nodes are automatically created to orient external legs of intersections around the periphery of the study network, and internal dummy bend nodes are easily created for better network representation between analysis intersections. Proper treatment of all dummy nodes (externals and bends) are fully integrated into all of the TEAPAC application programs, as well as the eleven+ third-party programs to which TEAPAC analyses can be exported. Dummy nodes do not count against the maximum number of intersections allowed by each Usage Level.

Intersections and dummy nodes are easily moved within the network by simply dragging them across the grid or bitmap, with the option to freeze the associated link distances, or have them adjust automatically as they are moved.

The network view is easily adjusted with buttons for panning in eight directions, zoom in, zoom out, zoom all to show the entire network, and a rubber-band selection to outline the desired zoom-in area. The display of either the bitmap or the network is easily toggled on or off, as required, and the current intersection for subsequent dialog data entry or analysis is made by simply clicking the intersection. Intersections can also be selected by a right-click which opens a popup menu with all the data entry and data analysis dialogs immediately available, either in Normal View or Tabular View (use F3 to toggle the view). The popup menu also allows the renumbering or deletion of the selected node. Dragging a rubber-band selection box around a set of intersections can be used to define or add to (with Ctrl key) a subsystem of intersections for subsequent analysis.

The on-screen shortest-path FindPath assignment function of the SITE program is now performed in color directly on the main-window graphics network display, including the bitmap background, providing helpful visual cues while performing the assignment process.

The on-screen Startup Help? button provides immediate assistance for all of the functions described above. Visit www.StrongConcepts.com for examples of the new graphical input front-end now found in Visual TEAPAC.

>Visual TEAPAC - Enhanced Graphical Output Reporting.

All TEAPAC programs now feature enhanced, graphical output reporting for all results produced. Output reports now make full use of color and graphics drawing for arrows, phasing diagrams, permitted movements, time-space diagrams, intersection diagrams, cycle optimization graphs, daily count variation graphs, etc. All reports are printable on any color or black & white printer supported by Windows, including PDF writers. Any graphics output page can be copied to the clipboard as a bitmap so it can be pasted into other applications. The prior version's text-only results are still viewable alone or in parallel with the graphical results, and selected text can be copied to the clipboard or saved to a text file for subsequent use, as before. In Visual TEAPAC, you are no longer limited to the old, archaic, hard-to-read character graphics which was used when TEAPAC was originally created (what did your computer look like 30 years ago?).

All output reports use shades of color from the desktop theme/style setting to highlight the results, including report titles, report sub-sections, column headings and alternating output lines. The proportionally-spaced, sans-serif Tahoma font is used for easier readability, including right-justified numeric results in columns.

Viewing options include zoom in, zoom out, zoom all to see an entire page, rubber-band selection to zoom in, drag the page to scroll and click to re-center. Text strings can be searched for within one or many pages of results and multi-page results can be quickly scanned with controls to advance to the next or previous page, the next or previous report, or the beginning or end of all results.

Visit www.StrongConcepts.com for examples of the new graphical output back-end now found in Visual TEAPAC.

>Other Generic Enhancements Found in All Visual TEAPAC Programs.

Many other generic enhancements have been made to the Visual TEAPAC user interface which is now included in every TEAPAC program. These include:

-- Windows XP style buttons, drop-down lists, scroll windows, etc.
-- all Edit and Results menus can be accessed by right-click.
-- all demos allow at least 4 intersections to be entered and analyzed.
-- license keys are valid for any older version of the same program;
license info displays in Help-About, including site license address.
-- leading W removed from all program file names for easy recognition;
LinkTo and Menu looks for new name first, then old name with W, for
backward compatibility with older versions of other TEAPAC programs.
-- default node to renumber is the current node, not 0.
-- Startup Help button is located in main window and now in Help menu;
StartUp.txt can be modified by user with virtually unlimited size.
-- View-Network and Options-Graphics menu options have been removed.

>Program-Specific Enhancements Included in Visual TEAPAC Upgrade.

The TED text editor is fully integrated into each of the new Visual TEAPAC programs when TED is licensed.

:TED Ver 6.01 23MAY05

Scroll down to 'Ver 6.00 08SEP04, Build 06 - 22SEP04' below for the major changes which were implemented for the original TEAPAC2004 release of this program.

Build 12 - 30SEP05

>Field Width Error Detection Modified for More Useful Performance.

A new error check was recently introduced to warn a user that too many characters for an input field had been entered and that the entry would be truncated. The aggressive response to this condition (ignoring the entry entirely) has been toned back, now accepting the truncated input with a similar warning. This reduces the potential for the need to re-type an entry which may be perfectly fine in its truncated form, or require only minor editing to correct instead of complete re-entry. The new error check has also been eliminated for any entries of the GROUPTYPES dialog, most of whose possible entry values can typically exceed the actual allocated input field width.

Another effect of the overly-aggressive error check was that certain drop-down list values in a number of dialog boxes had pre-programmed entries which exceeded the input field width, thus preventing them from executing properly. These included drop-down lists in the OUTPUT, CONDITIONS, GENERATION and PATHDISTRIBUTION dialogs. The field widths of all of these entries have been modified to accept the full drop-down list pre-programmed entries.

>Extra Warning Message Eliminated When Opening New Files.

If a user is warned about unsaved data or results values when a new file is about to be opened, with an option to first save the values, certain circumstances could cause the same message to be re-displayed a second time, regardless of the user response to the first message. This duplicate warning message has been eliminated.

>Debug Value Removed from Display for Text Search Function.

A spurious debug value was inadvertently left in the production version of the program, displaying each time a text string is searched for in any output window or edit window. The debug display has been removed.

>Key Files Are Now Valid for All Prior Versions of Program.

The key file processing logic has been enhanced to allow a given key file to be used not only for various builds and minor updates for the licensed version, but also for any version of the program prior to the licensed version. This minimizes the hassle of multiple key file management when multiple versions of a program are being used, for example, to maintain consistency in results throughout the course of a project which was begun with an older version of a given program that has been updated.

Build 10 - 04AUG05

>Print Problem Resolved from Tabular View.

Difficulties experienced by some users attempting to print results when using the Tabular View have been resolved.

Build 00 - 23MAY05

>Generic TEAPAC 6.01 Changes Implemented in TED.

No specific changes that affect TED were made in this release, except to be updated with the generic TEAPAC Ver 6.01 interface used in all the other TEAPAC Ver 6.01 releases.

:TED Ver 6.00 08SEP04

Scroll down to 'Build 06 - 22SEP04' below for the major changes which were implemented for the original TEAPAC2004 release of this program.

Build 07 - 07DEC04

>Longer Window Caption File Path Display.

The number of characters used to display the current file name(s), path and save status has been increased so that more of the file path is visible in the top caption line of the main window.

>File Functions Restored in TEAPAC Menu.

The 'Use this file:' function has been restored to the TEAPAC Menu so a file can be found by browsing, dragging to the Menu window, or double-clicking in Explorer. Then use of that file can be transferred to any TEAPAC program in the Menu. This function was inadvertantly disabled in the initial TEAPAC2004 release.

Build 06 - 22SEP04

>Summary of TEAPAC2004 Release of TED.

After 2 years in development, the TEAPAC2004 version of TED has been released as Ver 6.00. The highlights of the changes since its prior release include the implementation of the enhanced TEAPAC2004 (Ver 6) user interface, as described below. This also includes the many enhancements for the TEAPAC Ver 5.1x user interface which had not yet been added to TED.

>T2004v6: TEAPAC2004 Interface Enhancements Found In All Programs.

TEAPAC2004 (Ver 6) includes a multitude of enhancements which are part of the generic user interface found in all TEAPAC programs (some do not apply to NOSTOP, TED or TUTOR, for readily-apparent reasons). The generic enhancements which apply to TED are listed below with heading lines that begin with T2004v6:.

>T2004v6: Output/Edit Window Major Enhancements.

The Output and Edit Windows have been enhanced with menus and toolbar buttons which provide the ability to Find a user-entered text string, find the next output report and find the next page of results. A button also allows moving backwards thru the output to the previous output page. In the Edit Window, an additional Find & Replace function has also been provided. Also, the current line number of the cursor is displayed in the status line of the window, and the ^A function now performs the standard 'SelectAll' function instead of copying the entire window to the clipboard.

>T2004v6: Check For Internet Update Function Provided.

A new function has been provided in the Help menu of every TEAPAC program that allows the user to have the program check the internet for any available downloadable updates. This function can be set to automatically check for updates every time the program is launched. If updates are found, this fact is displayed along with the status of the update (free or if a fee is involved and what that fee is), as well as a link to a complete description of what functionality changes the update includes, the ability to launch an email requesting a new key for a paid update or a quote for an upgrade. Options to view a complete price list online, to launch an email requesting technical support, and to go to the Strong Concepts main web page are also provided. This feature was partially implemented in the most recent downloads of several TEAPAC programs and accepted with great enthusiasm.

>T2004v6: Options-Setup Uses Browse for Folder, not Browse for File.

The Browse button in the Options-Setup dialog now produces a Browse-for-Folder dialog instead of the File-Open dialog so it is more clear what the function will return.

>T2004v6: Recent File Menu Option Works Under All Windows Platforms.

Display of recently used files in the File menu has presented problems under certain Windows platforms, and thus an option has been provided to turn this display off so recent files are accessed only thru the File-RecentFiles dialog. This problem has been fixed so recent files can be displayed in the File menu on any Windows platform, and thus the default condition for this feature has been changed from No to Yes.

>T2004v6: TEAPAC Menu Enhancements.

A new File menu in the TEAPAC Menu shows recent files which have been used by the program; a new Options menu allows program folder setup for all of the third-party programs supported by the Menu; a new Help menu can list recently installed changes and check the internet for updates; default support for VISSIM 4 and TRANSYT-7F Release 10 is provided.

TEAPAC files which are double-clicked to be launched thru the TEAPAC Menu now open into the menu only without launching the program that created the file (since any file can now be used by any program, this old action is no longer appropriate).

>T2004v6: Printable On-screen Manuals Available as PDF Downloads.

The full documentation for each TEAPAC program has always been directly available as the on-screen manual which also serves as the context-sensitive Help document. Options for obtaining printed/bound copies of this document have also been available at an additional cost. Now, in addition, this document is available as a downloadable PDF file which provides the ability to print a copy locally, as well as search the entire document for user-defined strings.

:TED Ver 3.70 25SEP01

Build 16 - 14JUL02

>TEAPAC2000 Version 5.02 Generic Interface Fine-tuning.

Shortcut keys have been added to the File-RecentFiles and File-Save dialogs for more expediant keyboard manipulation.

Certain warning and error messages shouldn't be closed automatically by the new AutoClose option if these messages expect or require user response. The AutoClose option is now ignored for these cases.

The Help-Messages menu item has been changed to Help-RecentChanges to better reflect its purpose.

The Help-About menu item now shows the specific program name.

The default size of the Help window has been increased in size vertically to better display the contents of the complete, on-screen manual and context-sensitive help topics.

Build 12 - 02FEB02

>Incidental Compatibility Changes.

This incidental update for TED simply brings it into better conformance with the standard TEAPAC Ver 5 interface, in particular, in relation to the behavior of the demonstration version.

Build 10 - 25SEP01

>TEAPAC2000 User Interface Version 5 Implemented.

The WinTEAPAC2000 Version 5 User Interface has been implemented in TED to provide the latest standardized TEAPAC interface found in all TEAPAC programs. The following lists the many changes which this new interface provides:

>New Recent File Dialog in File Menu.

Review list of last nine files and paths used.
Can select/edit file names and re-open selected files.
Option to include list of recent files and paths in File menu.
List of recent files can be cleared from the dialog.

>Save Directly from TED Edit Window.

Can save changes made to a file from edit window.
-- warning issued to save changes immediately upon exiting edit window
-- can still save from main File menu as well

>New Save Features Provided When Exiting the Program.

Warning message for unsaved data has been reversed with option to Save.
-- message now consistent with most other Windows programs
-- -- (in the way the question is asked)
-- option to Save or not save, or to Cancel the exit
The Quit menu which duplicated the File-Exit menu has been removed.

>WinTEAPAC2000 Ver 5 Menu Program Enhanced.

A data file can be named in the display for the next selected program.
A Browse button has been added to assist in naming the data file to be used.
-- provides standard extensions for typical files of supported programs
A data file from a TEAPAC2000 Version 5 program can be dragged to WinTEAPAC.
-- will launch the program that created the file and use the dragged file
-- can drag the file to the WinTEAPAC window or desktop icon
The .FOR extension used by TEAPAC is registered when WinTEAPAC runs.
-- allows double-clicking .FOR files in Explorer and START command in .BAT

>Other Changes:

A more informative message is issued if a file to open is already in use.
TEAPAC programs can now be installed in a folder with spaces in path name.
Files can now be dragged to a desktop icon to launch the program.
-- uses the dragged file
Protect the Options-Setup fields which should not be changed.
-- except by re-installing
Browse buttons have been added for the data and host path entries.
-- to simplify changes
Copy-All menu fixed when edited file contents are larger than when opened

:TED Ver 3.62 15JAN00

Build 14

>Complete Documentation Available On-line as TED Help File.

As with all other TEAPAC programs, the TED manual has now been produced as the TED Help file which can be accessed from the Help buttons and F1 key.

>New Print Module for 32-bit Windows.

A new TEAPAC print module (TEAPACPR.exe) has been created for 32-bit Windows platforms (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000) which has greater compatibility with some 32-bit printer drivers which have been distributed by printer vendors recently. This module also has continued compatibility with older printer drivers. The new module is now distributed as the standard print module for all Win32 versions of TEAPAC programs. The original print module is still distributed as the standard print module for all Win16 versions, and is also distributed as an alternate print module for the Win32 versions.

Build 10

>Changes to Standard TEAPAC2000 Interface, Ver 4.01.

All TEAPAC programs which have Windows versions use the new TEAPAC2000 Interface which was introduced in November, 1999. The following changes have been made to this interface to further enhance its effectiveness:

>Spaces Allowed in Folder Names for Data Files.

Folders which contain data files may now contain spaces in the folder name. Data files themselves are still limited to 11 characters including the extension and may not have embedded spaces (for continued compatibility with supported DOS products), but the restriction on path names (folders) has been removed.

>Additional Help and Shortcut Features Added.

Several new help features have been added. One of these is a new Help button on the toolbar for direct access to the on-line manual. Help notes in the status line at the bottom of the window for each of the menu items in the File menu have also been added. The File-Close menu item in the main window now uses a shortcut of 'C' instead of 'L' for consistency with other programs. Lastly, the last used file name is retained in the File-Open and File-SaveAs dialogs, even when a previous dialog was cancelled.

>New Warning Messages.

A new warning message has been generated to warn users if unsaved data values are about to be reset to default values by the File-New menu item. A new message also warns if the installed folder has spaces in its name, which will cause problems in certain operations like printing.

>Potential Problem Running Under Windows NT Eliminated.

In the initial release of the TEAPAC 2000 interface (07NOV99), a technique for dynamic menu building was used which had a conflict with certain service packs and memory configurations of Windows NT. To avoid this potential problem on any given machine, the dynamic menu building has been removed and replaced with a method that will work on all configurations of Windows NT.

:TED Ver 3.61 07NOV99

>First Windows Version of TED is Now Available.

Version 3.61 marks the first time the TED/TEAPAC program is available for the Windows operating system. WinTED now supports both the Win32 (Windows 95/98/NT) and Win16 (Windows 3.1x) environments, in addition to continued support for the DOS environment. WinTED provides a simple full-screen edit window which can be used to view, edit or create data and control files for any TEAPAC program. WinTED can also be used to convert ASCII text files to the TEAPAC format simply by opening and saving the text file.

The extended line-edit features of TED such as global search and/or replace continue to be supported, but only in the DOS version (provided with all Windows licenses). Upgrades of DOS licenses to the new Windows versions are available from Strong Concepts for a significantly reduced upgrade fee.

:TED V3 L6.0 11MAR94

>New BROWSE Command for Full-screen Editing.

A new command called BROWSE has been added to provide full screen editing for the current FILE. After opening the desired file with the FILE command, use BROWSE to display and/or change its contents. In the BROWSE mode, PAGE-UP/DOWN can be used to page through the file and the normal arrow keys can be used to position the cursor anywhere on the current or adjacent lines. Control-arrow keys move right and left one word at a time while the TAB keys move to the beginning and end of the text on the current line. WordStar/SideKick/dBASE equivalent control keys can also be used. ENTER can also be used to move to the next line.

The INSert keys toggles the insert mode on and off. ^N will insert a blank line ahead of the current line, while ENTER will insert a blank line after the current line if the INSERT mode is on. DELete and BACKSPACE will delete the character under and to the left of the cursor, respectively, while ^T will delete the word to the right of the cursor and ^Y will delete the line to the right of the cursor.

END and HOME will terminate the BROWSE mode while saving changes made to the current line, while ESCape will terminate the BROWSE mode without making changes to the current line. Changes made to any other lines other than the current line are automatically made directly to the disk.

When creating a new file, it will contain only a ^Z end of file marker -- the following is the best way to enter the contents of this new file. With the cursor positioned on the only line (which contains the ^Z), use ^N to insert a blank line ahead of the ^Z line, then use INS to enter the INSert mode. Now type the first line of the file, followed by ENTER which will add another blank line after the new first line and put the cursor on the new blank line. Continue typing each desired line in sequence, followed by the ENTER key, until the last line is typed.

:TED V3 L5.1a 08APR91

>Automatic Search for End of File Opening & Set LIMIT.

When a FILE is initially opened, TED will now scan the file looking for the end of the file. If the standard ^Z end of file marker is found, the LIMIT will be set accordingly (automatically) so that subsequent ADD and DELETE commands can be used. If the end of file is located without a ^Z marker, the user will be asked if the ^Z marker should be placed in the file by TED for use by TED. Normally the response should be Y for YES. The end of file search can be aborted with the ESCape key during the search if a particularly long file is opened and the desired operations on the file will not require use of the LIMIT (or the user knows the LIMIT and can set it faster than TED can find it).

>Automatic PAGE Display on File Opening.

When a file is opened, the PAGE command is automatically issued to display the first page of the file (lines 1-23). After subsequent line edit commands are executed, the current page will be re-displayed, thus displaying any changes which the line edit commands may have made to that page. The PAGE display can be turned off at any time by using the PAGE 0 command. This may be important to observe the results of certain line edit commands prior to the re-display of the current page.

>PAGE Command Without Parameters Displays Next Page.

When the PAGE command is used without any parameters, the page display is automatically incremented to the next page display, providing a quick way to move to the next page without typing actual line numbers. Paging through multiple pages is also easy using the F3 function to re-issue the previous command.

:TED V3 L5.0 14AUG89

>Standard TEAPAC Interface Level 3.0 Implemented.

This release of TED implements an approximation of the Standard Interface Level 3.0 of TEAPAC programs. Detailed descriptions of this interface level can be found by reading the following messages, until specific updated documentation is provided. Other internal modifications have been made which bring TED closer to the TEAPAC standard, although it still deviates in some ways from usage of other TEAPAC programs. For example, the SUMMARISE and DATA commands are now partially implemented and USERMODEL has been enabled to the same level of other TEAPAC programs.

>Line Continuation Prompt Generated.

Use of the line continuation character, &, now generates an "&>" prompt on the next line to permit additional entries for the command on the previous line. This is useful in entering commands with many parameters that overflow the 80-column limitation of input for each screen line. It can also be used for organizing input in data files for future reference.

>Help File and Sample Problem Format Improved.

A number of omissions and clarifications have been made to the HELP file. The standard format of a TEAPAC sample data file has also been changed slightly.

>Minor Enhancements Included.

Attempting to run another program via the STOP command generates a clearer error message notifying the user that this is not an enabled function under MS-DOS. An unimplemented USERMODEL now also generates a more clear message to that effect. Finally, the initial messages displayed within the first 60 days of their existence do a clear screen first for easier readability. This, like the initial copyright notice, uses the ANSI sequences which require the use of ANSI.SYS or an equivalent in CONFIG.SYS.

:TED V3 L4.2 02JUN87

>Improved Greeting Screen; Messages Displayed for 60 Days.

The screen that greets you when you first run the program has been reorganized and enhanced. The program now clears the screen and prints the program's name, version and level, and copyright information at the top. Below this is a brief discussion of some of the important concepts of running the program. The whole greeting screen is enclosed in boxes formed with the IBM extended-ASCII character set.

In addition to the above, the program will now display a summary of all changes included in the current version of the program for a period of 60 days after the version date of the program. This can be reproduced at any time while running the program by executing the MESSAGES command with a parameter of 1. And, of course, details about these and past changes can also be displayed with the MESSAGES command using a parameter of 2 or 3.

>Sub-directories in PATH Command Now Searched for Support and Data Files.

The MS-DOS PATH command searches a set of specified sub-directories for a program to run if it cannot find the program in the current logged sub-directory. However, it will not search for support files or data files. A new TEAPAC feature is the ability to search all sub-directories specified in the PATH command for support files and data files. This feature is supported only in DOS 3.x, however. It is compatible with the DOS APPEND program.

>Data File Format Changed.

Data files that are written to disk now use a new format: each record consists of 128 bytes, delimited by a CR LF. (Only the first 80 characters may contain data, as before). The old format may still be read directly and programs still written for the old format may use data files written with the new format directly.

Error messages caused by an end-of-file or input/output error have also been enhanced.

>HEADINGS Command Improved.

The negative option of the HEADINGS command has been re-implemented under DOS to allow printing of headings at the console even when the rest of the output is directed elsewhere, e.g., to the printer or a disk file (see next message).

>Re-routing of Report Output Changed.

Output reports may again be re-routed to disk files as well as the printer via the IODEVICES command, but the method is now a bit different. Rather than using #11 through #15 as the output device as stated in Appendix 3 of the TEAPAC Tutorial, a #xx greater than #15 must be used. The first attempt to output to that number (device) will cause the program to prompt you for a file name. Output no longer can be directed to one of the files opened with the FILES command. Use of #15 or less will result in an error and unpredictable results.

>Printer Access with Control-P Again Echoes to Console.

When sending output to the printer with Control-P (^P), output will continue to be displayed on the console device. This feature may have been lost in an earlier version. In addition, all screen output (not just report output) can again be directed to the printer with ^P and the IODEVICES command is no longer affected by typing ^P.

>Bug in Input Error Processing Fixed.

When an error is detected during command input, the program is supposed to immediately enter the ASK mode. A bug causing this not to happen has been fixed.

>Non-printable Characters Not Enterable.

The set of ASCII characters that are not printable, e.g. control characters, are not enterable from the keyboard. Exceptions to this are Control-Z (end file), ESC (abort from command), Control-L (form feed), Control-C (abort), and Control-S (pause/re-start the screen).

>Error Messages are Internal Instead of in File.

The TED error message file, TED.ERR, is now obsolete. All error messages are internal to the program. In addition, all error messages are preceded by five asterisks and a single bell is sounded.

>PROJECT No Longer Overwritten by MESSAGES.

A bug causing the PROJECT command to be overwritten by information from the MESSAGES command has been fixed.

>Minor Inconsistencies in Compiler Change Fixed.

In the change to the new compiler some minor inconsistencies appeared. These have been fixed.

:TED V3 L4.1 23MAR87

>ADD Bug Fixed.

A bug causing the computer to lock up when the ADD command was issued with two parameters and no limit was set has been fixed.

>New Start-up MESSAGES Screen Implemented.

The messages displayed when the program is first loaded has been improved. In addition to the display of the program's name, version and level and copyright information, a one-line description for each of the recent changes to the program (the equivalent of executing the MESSAGES command with a parameter of 1) is also displayed.

>Non-implemented Commands Removed from HELP Lists.

The set of commands that currently are not implemented have been removed from the HELP lists.

:TED V3 L4.0 19FEB87

>ENTER Bug Fixed.

The bug that would not allow the use of the ENTER command without specifying parameters has been fixed.

>Level of MESSAGES Now Specifiable; Format of File is Now ASCII.

The level of MESSAGES is now specifyable by specifying the Level parameter with the MESSAGES command. Level 0 displays the current version/level and date of the program. Level 1 displays the heading lines for the current version. Level 2 displays heading lines and detail for the current version. Level 3 displays heading lines and detail for all versions of the program. The default is Level 3. In addition, the format of the file is now ASCII instead of TEAPAC.

:TED V3 L3.0 24JAN87

>Improved Input Editing.

The DOS function key, F1, F2, and F3 as well as the arrow keys on the numeric keypad and the INS and DEL keys are now usable any time input is requested form the keyboard. This includes the input from the TEAPAC command line (-->) and for commands ENTER, LOCATE, MODIFY, and EDIT, as well as for the MODIFY prompts for Keyboard (K) and Enter (E). Command line input and each command have their own buffers except for Keyboard (K) and Enter (E), which share a buffer. In addition, the F10 key moves the cursor to the first position after the next occurring delimiter, a space or a comma in TEAPAC programs. (This is in effect a word-right.) Finally, the ESCAPE may be used to clear a line.

>Control Z's Enterable Under DOS; ESCape from Command Prompts.

Control Z's, the end of file designator, may now be entered from the keyboard without causing the program to abort. In addition, program prompts, such as from ENTER and LOCATE may be aborted from by pressing ESCAPE if the cursor is in column 1.

>Non-printable Characters Not Enterable.

The set of ASCII characters that are not printable, e.g. control characters, are not enterable from the keyboard. Exceptions to this are Control-Z (end file), ESC (abort from command), and Control-L (form feed).

:TED V3 L2.2 27MAY86

>Support Files Renamed.

The TED support files TED96.FOR, TED97.FOR and TED95.FOR have been renamed to TED.HLP, TED.MSG, and TED.ERR, respectively.

>MESSAGE File Restructured.

The MESSAGES file, TED.MSG has been restructured for improved readability.

:TED V3 L2.1 01OCT83

>Commands Separated with Semicolon; Modify Commands Separated with Comma.

The command separators for program and MODIFY commands have been switched. Program commands are now separated by semicolons (;) while MODIFY commands are now separated by commas (,).

>EDIT Prompts with M>.

Upon invoking the EDIT command, an M> prompt is now displayed.

>TED91 & TED92 Created Containing FIO91 & FIO92; Included in All Modules.

The standard TEAPAC type common type declaration and common declaration files, TED91 and TED92 have been created from TED99. These INCLUDE the files FIO91 and FIO92, respectively and have been INCLUDEd in all TED program modules.

>Control-Z Expanded.

Now whenever a Control-Z is encountered, the characters ^Z will be occupies on position in a file or in a MODIFY string.

>Beep Sounded for All Prompts.

A beep is sounded for all TED prompts.

>HELP, MESSAGES and Error Messages Displayed Within 80 Columns.

All HELP, MESSAGES and error messages are now displayed within 80 columns.

>INTEGER*2 Changed to INTEGER; REAL*4 Changed to REAL.

All INTEGER*2 and all REAL*4 declarations have been changed to INTEGER and REAL declarations, respectively.

>More TEAPAC Commands Implemented.

The TEAPAC commands, DESCRIPTION, NOTE, GOTO, ECHO, NEWPAGE, HEADING, NEXT, REPEAT, USERMODEL, and RESET have been implemented. These function exactly the same as they do in TEAPAC. In addition, TED has been set up so that the TEAPAC commands SUMMARISE, DATA, SAVE, and ASK may be implemented in the future.

>Date and Time Check Made.

A time check has been made to determine if a clock is available. If so, the date and time is displayed with SPRINT. If not, no date or time is displayed.

>OBEY File No Longer Lost by Opening Other Files.

The bug causing the OBEY file to be lost when a file was opened using one of the the other file commands has been fixed.

>Question Mark Used as Wildcard for MODIFY.

The character "?" can be used to match any character by the M(atch) command in MODIFY or EDIT.

>No File Message.

The file referenced is not echoed if the file is successfully opened by the FILE command.

:TED V2 L1.3 20MAR81

>Command Mods Made.

-- MODIFY <LINE #> replaces EDIT <LINE#>.
EDIT <LINE #> now does a column edit on the specified line.
A line # of 0 will suppress headings.
-- CALCULATE may be used to calculate a simple expression. The format of the command is CALCULATE <EXPRESSION>. It will set or include program variables as well. For example: CALCULATE (5+3)*2, or CALCULATE A = (5+3)*2

:TED V2 L1.2 16MAR81

>Compressed Decks Expandable to a Line # Specified by Set.

Compressed decks can be expanded to a variable line number whose value is specified by the SET command.

>NEWLINES Implemented.


<NEWPAGE> - Character string for forcing a new page.
<NEWLINE> - Character string to advance 1 blank line before printing.
<3 NEWLINES> - Character string to advance 3 blank lines before printing.
<COL#> - Column where <NEWPAGE> string starts.
<COL#> - Column where <NEWLINES> string starts.
<COL#> - Column where <3 NEWLINES> string starts.

:TED V2 L1.1 10MAR81

>New Command for Specifying Command Files Added.

A new command for specifying command files, CFILES, has been implemented. The second parameter of the LOAD command refers to command files 1 - 5, not to the INPUT, OUTPUT, OBEY, LIBRARY or SCRATCH files. The third parameter of familiar TED commands still refers to TED files. Command files may be accessed by adding 100 to the respective file numbers.

In addition, a file to be loaded must contain a RETURN statement as the last command.

:TED V2 L1.0 04MAR81

>Command Changes.

Numerous changes were made to various commands, as described below:

-- INDEX <DKNAME> finds all occurrences of DKNAME in a library, noting for match of specified level (in addition to a straight index function).
-- SPRINT functions :
SPRINT defaults to 1 1 1.
WIDTH with 1 parameter sets right margin.
SERIAL set page number for run...defaults and resets to 1.
PAGELENGTH defaults to 51 48 and will set REPORTLENGTH to PAGE-3 as default.
EJECT allows user to redefine string for EJECT (Default // EJE).
-- DUMP now places /* and // EOD in last 2 lines.
-- @ replaces * as NEXTLINE pointer.
-- Logical limit is set automatically after expansion from libraries.
-- SCRATCH <FILE NAME> is a new command for SCRATCH file when sorting.
-- Compress function will compress to either EOF sentinel (// EOD) or logical limit.
-- Channel 12 is automatically set to zero.
-- SORT requires only one parameter (<LINE #>) (Default=1) and will sort up to ten keys.
-- If LIMIT is not set, listing a // EOD will do so. If LIMIT is set, a
-- It is now impossible to blast the top off of a library when compressing.
-- Compression is now ESCapable.
-- Where '$' points to the current logical limit '$$' always points to the physical limit.

this page last updated September 07, 2008