WinHlp32 Patch for TEAPAC Complete...

Recent versions of Windows have dropped support for the WinHlp32 Help system which is has been used historically by all TEAPAC programs.  Microsoft provided a download to replace this missing Help system for Windows 7, but since then such support has not been available.

In 2009 Komeil Bahmanpour prepared a workaround for this problem, and Strong Concepts has modified this workaround so that it works for any Windows system starting with Windows 7.  This includes specifically Windows7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Click on the following link to download the  After downloading and storing this .zip file on your hard disk, unzip the contents of the zip file into a folder and open the folder in Windows Explorer.  Right-click the Install.cmd file in the unzipped folder, and select the Run-As-Administrator option.  This will install the WinHlp32 Help system on your computer so it works fine with TEAPAC, as well as any other program you might have that continues to use this Help system on Windows.

this page last updated on February 03, 2019